April 03, 2008

Famly Moments

Finally, our first walk to Pumphouse for ice cream tonight... we got home from work and daycare and had a chance to enjoy a family walk to our favorite spot! Kate tried the sorbet (wasn't a fan of the lemon ginger)... but as always munched on puffs. It must be spring... we finally got out of the house!

We said 'good-bye' for now to Jill and Samuel tonight as they head to Indiana for a month... we will definitely miss them.
This week has been filled with many special family moments and opportunities to spend time with Auntie Joyce. We were able to pop in on-and-off and share laughter and tears with the great aunts and grandma as they thoughtfully cared for Auntie Joyce in the hospital. She has moved in with Vicki and Mark tonight and is at peace now that she is out of the hospital and at home... surrounded by family who love her as she continues on her journey. I wish these treasured moments could have occurred under much happier circumstances, but it has been such a gift to have Joyce with us and to spend time with friends and family who truly love her.

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