Well, we’re easing into this whole blog/letter/card thing… eventually we may even get both out BEFORE Christmas. The new year’s resolution is to update our blog more often (I guess quarterly isn’t enough?!?) too!
A quick update…
Mike & Beth
Life has been good to us this past year. U.S. Bank and Children’s HeartLink continue to keep both of us busy with some exciting travel and fundraisers to help the kids. Striving to find a little balance with parenthood, work, fun stuff, family and everything else. Sleep deprivation is beginning to subside (except for a few recent episodes) and we’ve survived ear infections, big project rollouts, and growing events. But on to a more important and interesting subject…
Just yesterday she was a sweet little infant, how do we have a 14 month old already?!? So many firsts… teeth, talking, airplane ride, rolling, crawling, moving into her own room… the list goes on and on! Walking (and even some running) came about in December. Her smile lights up our days and nights, especially with those big blue eyes. Baby music class has brought out her “talents”… she has inherited her dad’s vocals and mom’s moves (for better or worse on both accounts). The house is filled with her music, animal sounds, a few words, jibber-jabber and lots of giggles. We are very fortunate that three days a week Kate hangs with her buddy Samuel and his dear mom, Jill up the street, and enjoys her own digs each Monday and Friday with her doting Grandma Mary. Kate keeps very busy with all her exploring and playing with her cousins and doting aunts and uncles. Kate loves a good game of "Patty Cake" and loves to run circles around the couch chasing mom and dad.
Spring brought the birth of another girl to the Plaetz family, our niece and godchild, Amelia Helen. We also were able to see many of the Coyne clan when we gathered to say goodbye to dear Aunt Mary Coyne who passed away – her quiet kindness is missed by all. We’ve also spent more time with Auntie Joyce who is bravely and gracefully battling cancer… we’re all learning so much from her strength. It has brought more opportunities to see mom and our family as everyone gathers during her journey.
On-the-go (constantly!)
When we became parents, we both dreamed of the first Griswald roadtrip… in May it all came true!!! We packed up the car with Kate and nearly everything we own to head across the country to New England. It kicked off in Cleveland at the Princess Diana exhibit, then we were off to Cooperstown, Baseball Hall of Fame, upstate New York, Boston, Niagara Falls, Toronto, CN Tower, Milwaukee, and Miller Brewery. Just a few weeks later, I was back in Boston to help pack up the Bieringers to move back to MN- Wild Sisters in their non-stop, 24+ hour roadtrip across the country (why not learn how to pull a UHaul trailer with your sister’s car). Summer brought a Brookings reunion with college pals, Twins games, picnics, barbecues and outings with friends, and many parkway walks! Mike and buddies spent many an autumn Saturday at Gopher football… we’re hoping the new stadium will bring more wins and a father-daughter tradition! Finally wrapped up our two year battle with our woodwork and are plugging away piece by piece at the rest of the house… oh the love/hate relationship with old houses!
Looking forward to many more adventures in 2008… wishing you the same!!!
Love Beth, Mike and Kate
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